Bigfoot Asks: Does Erik Paulsen Really Exist?
Phillips for Congress released a digital ad featuring an interview with Bigfoot, who has been inspired to find Minnesota’s most elusive figure: Congressman Erik Paulsen.
Phillips for Congress released a digital ad featuring an interview with Bigfoot, who has been inspired to find Minnesota’s most elusive figure: Congressman Erik Paulsen.
Dean Phillips is a small-business owner who offers health insurance benefits to full-time employees and pays a livable wage of $15/hour. Share these facts. Erik Paulsen and his super PAC friends shouldn’t be allowed to get away with misleading attacks.
An Open Letter to Congressman Erik Paulsen from Dean Phillips about public voter forums.
The Phillips for Congress campaign invites Dean’s thousands of grassroots supporters to showcase their creativity by making homegrown ads of their own.
From volunteering at Courage Center during high school, to his recent service as the volunteer Chair of Allina Health’s Board of Directors, one of Minnesota’s largest healthcare providers, Dean has always made community service a personal priority.
Phillips for Congress will host a picnic on September 15, 2018, and has invited all people who live in Minnesota’s Third Congressional District to attend.
The confusing ad is another example of what happens when super PACs with no interest in what’s best for Minnesota are allowed to influence our elections.
To the editor: I recently came across Nathan Dull’s letter to the editor entitled “Paulsen is better than Phillips for CD3,” published on Aug.
Dean Phillips released an ad highlighting his long history of taking care of his employees and calling out Erik Paulsen for taking millions from the insurance and pharmaceutical industries while voting to increase healthcare costs and gut protections for pre-existing conditions.
Phillips for Congress will host a picnic on September 15, 2018, and has invited all people who live in Minnesota’s Third Congressional District to attend.
Congressman Erik Paulsen conditionally accepted Dean Phillips’s invitation to participate in three voter forums, but pressure is mounting on Paulsen to answer unscreened questions from voters in the communities he represents.