Release: Dean Phillips Invites Rep. Erik Paulsen to Public Voter Forum in Coon Rapids

Richard Carlbom: 651-261-1306
Samantha Anderson: 808-333-6944

Dean Phillips Invites Rep. Erik Paulsen to Public Voter Forum in Coon Rapids
Phillips reinforces his commitment to answering questions from the public at free events

Dean Phillips will participate in a public voter forum on Monday, August 13 in Coon Rapids. Phillips has repeatedly called for open and accessible public forums where voters would have the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of both candidates in the neck-and-neck race for Congress in Minnesota’s third district.

Phillips invited Congressman Erik Paulsen to join him in answering questions from the public at Monday’s free event. Neither Paulsen nor his campaign manager have indicated their intention to participate.

Despite saying “we’ll have other debates,” Congressman Paulsen has yet to commit to any other than the TwinWest Chamber debate, a $60 ticketed event. In addition to Monday’s public forum in Coon Rapids, Phillips has accepted invitations from several organizations, including local chapters of the League of Women Voters, a local church, and local Chambers of Commerce that wish to host additional free public debates.

“Candidates running for public office should participate in open forums at which they take questions from the public, and such forums should be free of charge and accommodate all those who wish to attend,” said Phillips. “My entire campaign is based on the notion that representation begins with listening, and I am eager to do just that. Erik Paulsen should listen to his constituents, who are rightly demanding the opportunity to hear from the two of us and share their perspectives with us — without having to pay. We are all awaiting his response.”

In April of 2018, Phillips invited Congressman Paulsen to join him in signing The Minnesota Way pledge, a mutual pact that includes a promise to hold two public events per month — while also committing to no PAC funding or self-financing, and to limiting or eliminating spending by outside groups.

WHAT:       Free Public Voter Forum
WHERE:     Coon Rapids Civic Center, 11155 Robinson Dr NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433
WHEN:       Monday, August 13, 2018; 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm