I’d like to register to vote. How do I get started?

Your vote is a powerful force for change

Together, we can drive the positive, hopeful change we wish to see in CD3, and beyond.

The good news: Whether you’re a first-time voter or a new Minnesota resident, registering to vote is pretty easy. Not quite sure how or where to start? Let us walk you through everything you need to know.

Yahye Mohamed votes on primary day.

Am I eligible to register to vote in Minnesota?

Can you answer yes to each of these questions?

  • Are you a U.S. citizen?
  • Will you be at least 18 years old on Election Day?
  • Have you been a resident of Minnesota for at least 20 days?
  • If you’ve been convicted of a felony, have you completed your sentence?

Then, can you also answer no to each of these questions?

  • Has a judge revoked your right to vote?
  • Has a court ruled that you are legally incompetent?

If so, then, yes—you are eligible to vote in Minnesota.

What if special circumstances impact my ability to register to vote?

Some Minnesota voters experience unique circumstances. If you’re one of them and you’d like to know how they might impact your ability to register—or what considerations might be made to accommodate you, the State of Minnesota shares everything you need to know.

Discover more if you’re a voter who:

Okay, how do I register to vote?

In Minnesota, you can register to vote at your polling place on Election Day.

That said, please keep in mind that you’ll need to demonstrate you’re a resident.

How do you do that?

If you’ve changed your name or you’ve moved—but you still live in the same precinct—just share your previous name or address with the election judge.

Otherwise, you’ll need to do one of the following:

  • Show a valid Minnesota ID with your current name and address
  • Present a photo ID and a document that displays your current name and address
  • Bring a registered voter who can vouch for your address
  • Show a college student ID—provided your college or university has submitted a student housing list
  • Bring your Notice of Late Registration if you issued the online or paper registration deadline
  • Bring a residential facility staff person who can vouch for your address (this person will need to prove their employment)

You can find the State of Minnesota’s detailed proof of residence options, including acceptable ID, right here.

What if I have questions?

Get all of your voter registration questions answered by the experts. They’re happy to help. Just call the State of Minnesota elections line at 1-877-600-VOTE (8683)—or reach out to your county election office:

Anoka County

Carver County

Hennepin County

Let’s create change—together.

Join the DeanTeam—a diverse, committed team of neighbors who are creating change in communities across Minnesota’s Third District.

Whether you’d like to volunteer at an upcoming campaign event or lend a hand from home, there are always opportunities to make a meaningful difference.

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